Robbie KarmelOpening night: 5-8pm 3rd September 2019
Exhibition continues: 4th - 21st September 2019
Situated in the expanded field of drawing Robbie Karmel’s PhD project investigates mimesis through intermodal, observational and reflective drawing and making processes, themselves mimetic practices. Through several major bodies of work Karmel documents and conceptualises the recursive and productive phenomena of mimesis. The works include graphite, charcoal and oilstick drawings of the body on paper, along with the purpose built apparatus and studio-furniture made to facilitate the production of drawings. At the core of this investigation is the phenomenological body as it is expanded through the network of human and non-human beings: tools, materials, the subject, collaborators, the audience, and the environment. The investigation also addresses: how do these phenomena facilitate and present themselves within mimetic drawing processes.
MIMESIS Room Sheet (opens in new window)

Image: Documentation from Head Box II Performance with Katya Petetskaya. Image credit: Heidrun Lohr