Dallas Gillespie, Lucy Boyle, Tara Howard, Charlotte Valentine, Anthea Fitzgerald, Alex Falkiner, Elyse Watkins, Natika Newing-Stern, Alanna Crossman, Ali Grisedale, Amanda Smyth, Gillian Christie, Cathy Edlington, Josie Fraser
Opening Night: 3 August
3 August - 13 August
HAECCITY: (hĕks-) n. (Philos.) the essence of a particular thing which makes it unique from any other; quality of being describable as 'this'; 'thisness'. [f. Med. L haecceitas]
Visceral, poetic, ephemeral - textiles engage us in a profound dialogue concerning that which is beyond the visible. Haecceity employs the medium of textiles as a metaphor through which to explore the inherent fragility and peculiar beauty in decay. Subtle imperfections contribute to the quiddity of each piece; with fibres such as hair and wool, and materials found and reclaimed embodying the liminal between presence and absence.