pass some water through the hole and then you’ll see
Kieran BryantSpace Two
Exhibition Runs: 3 – 20 October 2018
Opening night: Tuesday 2 October 2018, 5 – 8pm
pass some water through the hole and then you’ll see presents a series of video and mixed-media installation that examine how water, through its relationship with holes and orifices, can be a conduit of shame and regret in queered visibility and corresponding queer body dynamics. By exploring the interplay between situated wateriness and liquid autobiographical narrative, this exhibition attempts to locate holes in and suggest alternatives to dominant viewpoints concerning queer fluidity, visibility and the body in contemporary arts and culture. It focuses on interpretations of re-contextualised images, text, and sound taken from popular culture; and constructed urban waterways as conductive queer sites that hold particular emotions as codes to a narrative of visibility. Further it defines the hole as an escape or portal within the queer body, and seeks to understand how it exists as a site to connect the differing aspects of a fluid body experience.
Pass some water through the hole and then you’ll see Room Sheet (opens in new window)
A huge thank you to my supervisors Grant Stevens and Tim Gregory. This would have been impossible without their time, patience, guidance and kindness.
Special thanks to the following people who helped me both in this process, in my practice, and in my life. You are angels.
Beth Dillon, Lachlan Herd, Jake Gordon, Amy Mills, Caroline Lukaszyk, Spence Messih, Eugene Choi, Paloma Gould, Ben Strum, Claire Johnson, Samuel Hodge, Clare Powell, Marcus Whale, Meg Clune, Neil Beedie, James Gatt, James Nguyen, Emily Galicek, Chris Dolman, Elena Papanikolakis, Elena Paulina, Evan Dorrian, Robin Hearfield, Taloi Havini, Siân McIntyre.
Thanks to Performance Space, Mr Ross Steele AM, and Verge Gallery for the incredible opportunities that helped shape my work.
A big thank you to Sebastian Henry-Jones for the beautiful piece of writing he put together for this show.
And a extra special thank you to Kelvin and Linda Bryant. I couldn’t have done this without their unwavering encouragement, support and love.

Image credit: Kieran Bryant, wetness quartet (digital still), single-channel video (loop), 00:34:18, 2017