
Change Agents

Selected Final Year A&D Design Students

22 July - 1 August 2015
Opening Night: Tuesday 21 July 2015, 5-7PM

An exhibition of Final year design students engaging in the following studio themes; Health and Well Being, Design for Social Impact, Critical Design and MAD.LAB (Mapping and Design).

Change Agents: Final year design students looking to create positive and critical change to present and future scenarios. Projects responded to the following themes. 

Health and Wellbeing: Developing design interventions and public health campaigns to explain or prevent the crisis, and provide health awareness to ultimately change behavior. 

Design for Social Impact: Creating designs that can be a catalyst for community engagement and positive social change for all stakeholders. 

Critical Design: The focus is on designing objects and telling stories that explore the potential impacts of new technologies and practices on society, our environment, and individual experience. 

MAD.LAB (Mapping and Design): Approaches the urban context through the lens of design processes employing mapping to create urban narratives through experimentation, observation, story telling, journeys, film, audio‐visual recordings and a range of cartographic techniques and explorations.

Image: Danielle Karlikoff, 'This selfie will look better with my new face'.

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