Imaginary Science
Jack Stahel
20-30 May 2015
Opening Night Tuesday 19 May 2015, 5-7 PM
"There is another definition in which I recognise myself fully, and that is the imagination as a repertory of what is potential, what is hypothetical, of what does not exist and has never existed, and perhaps will never exist but might have existed." - Italo Calvino
Imaginary Science is a creative examination of the human mind and a domain that finds itself between contradictory modes of thought. Communicated through organic and introspective processes of drawing and collecting, it encourages a conception of mind as both a process and a spectrum. Acknowledging the competing hierarchies that make up an individual's mind, allows for an examination that is both pragmatic and contradictory, enlightening and pseudoscientific, foreign yet familiar, and an informative bunch of nonsense.
Event Image: Information Chart VI(a), Ink on paper, 2014, 30x30cm