
Medium Cool

John Aslanidis, Denis Beaubois, Shaun Gladwell, Angelica Mesiti, Khalad Sabsabi

Opening Night 8 March

8 March- 19 March

Medium Cool is the phrase that describes the colour temperature of digital presentations. But whilst this exhibition features a cool medium, the artists featured deal with a hot topic - humanity and our social networks. Within our communities, whether urban or rural, a complex fermentation process is in progress. From the sonic reverberations of John Alslanidis's works to the disquieting undertones of Denis Beaubois' exploding brews, the collective human heart beats from within Angelica Mesiti's rapturous audience to Khaled Sabsabi's multiple racial stereotypes and throughout all, the strife of human endeavour is encapsulated in Shaun Gladwell's work.

ID: Scintillating concentric circles in bright colours. the circles overlap, creating a cross-hatch effect.

Arc logos, Kudos online, Kudos Shop, Framework, Archive