
Losing Creativity

Tiffany Ian Tong Ho 

We are born with great imagination and enormous creative capacity.

as we grow older and enter adulthood, we start to lose our creative freedom 


At times,

we were the child of innocence, we were not afraid of judgment, and take joy in our creative thoughts and acts.

by adapting to social norms, acting, and behave ourselves to fit into societal expectations.

Losing Creativity by Tiffany Ian Tong Ho is a playful art series created in 2020. The work consists of five recreations of drawings, reveals the loss of our creativity as we age. Besides, the use of googly eyes over her past works suggested her change in perception of art. She questions the limits of freedom and art, tried to return the artistic innocence, and reconnecting with her inner creative child.

She notes that we were born with great imagination and enormous creative capacity. At times, we were the child of innocence, we were not afraid of judgment, and take joy in our creative thoughts and acts. However, as we grow older and enter adulthood, we start to lose our creative freedom by adapting to social norms, acting, and behave ourselves to fit into societal expectations.

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