I’m making an archive for myself that only I can read
I don’t want to make my self legible to people – to things – that aren’t giving the same in return
This is a boundary
Halberstam says that memorialization has a tendency
to tidy up disorderly histories[1]
Like memorializing a coming-of-age through social media
in blog archives
is the internet, like, forever forever?
This is an invitation
The older I get, the less I care about public vulnerability.
I only care about making my bedroom nicer[2].
Isn’t all art a kind of confession?[3]
Well, I’m confessing that I’m sick of confessing.
Come over or DM me and I’ll show you my pretty bedroom and my photo albums and these little books I made.
I’ll tell you what the pictures are if I can remember.
[1] J Halberstam, The Queer Art Of Failure, Durham, Duke University Press, 2011, p. 28.
[2] G @cartoonfuntime, in Twitter.com, , 2014, <https://twitter.com/cartoonfuntime/status/530088435327836160?lang=en>
[accessed 2 November 2020]
[3] E Gunaydin, "Tell-all | Eda Gunaydin on confession | Sydney Review of Books", in Sydney Review of Books, 2020,
<https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/essay/tell-all-gunaydin/> [accessed 2 November 2020].