2019.01 d.i.y?
Billy Bain, Joshua Bentley, Jennifer Brady, Zoe Gojnich, Millie Mitchell, Rumpa Paweenpongpat, Natalia Stojevski, Matthew Varnay16 January - 2 February 2019
Opening Night Tuesday 15 January 2019, 5-8PM
D.I.Y. (adjective)
Do-it-yourself; describing something that may be constructed by one’s self without the help of a trained professional.
d.i.why? is a cross-disciplinary investigation into low-fidelity, do-it-yourself and process driven artmaking practices. Glorifying failure and inadequacy, the exhibition celebrates the home-made, man-made, found-object, cheap, damaged, broken and breaking.
This curated mess prioritises process and the act of making, in the production of materially-aware artworks. The works are united not through media or thematics, but instead through an overarching grunge aesthetic and layered approach to artmaking. Encompassing assemblage, ceramics, photography, printmaking, installation and performance, d.i.why? disregards ‘perfection’ in order to actively engage and communicate with the audience.
Cover Image: Natalia Stojevski, Ew Vom Don’t Call It That (detail shot), 2018
d.i.why Room Sheet (opens in new window)