Camouflage, Subterfuge & Emptiness: Nothing, Matters
Gabrielle Somers
28 September - 8 October 2016
Opening Night: Tuesday 27 September 2016; 5-7 PM
This exhibition explores camouflage and subterfuge and how possibly non-deliberate or deliberate concealments affect our perception and preferences which in turn generates a matrix of information. And within this shifting information exchange matrix everything exists by virtue of its relationship with other aspects of the matrix.
Camouflage, Subterfuge & Emptiness: Nothing, Matters is an exhibition incorporating sculpture, painting, drawing and video works by Gabrielle Somers in her MFA show.
The exhibition is concerned with the depiction of matter, how it emerges and how it interacts with and is constantly interconnecting with other matter and how matter can have a presence, yet be simultaneously empty.
Image: Gabrielle Somers Nothing, Matters (still)