Designed By (Term Two)
7 - 10 September 2016
Opening Night: Tueseday 6 September 2016, 5-7 PM
Designed By is an exhibition at Kudos Gallery that showcases work by undergraduate design students from UNSW Art & Design.
The exhibition brings together a selection of design projects by second, third and fourth year students from across all the studio streams of graphics, spatial, textiles, jewellery, object and ceramics. Offering the opportunity to view innovative and diverse responses to project briefs in the six design studios, Designed By also celebrates the creative achievements of students engaged in the process of developing their own understanding of design practice. Devised by fourth year design student Alexander Tanazefti, Designed Byis the second edition in a biannual design program held at Kudos Gallery.
Designed By is a part of Sydney Design Festival programming
Use the hashtag #SDF16
Opening night drinks provided by Young Henrys