In Time and Place: Remnants of Home
Gillian Lavery
29 April- 2 May 2015
Opening Night Tuesday 28 April 2015, 5-7pm
A house fire in December 2012, resulting in the loss of the artist's studio and artwork, prompted this body of research. In Time and Place: Remnants of Home navigates the terrain of grief and loss, the questioning of material worth, and the purpose of art practice that arose as a consequence of this experience. Ideas of time, memory and value coalesce through a process-based art practice. The territory of drawing is approached from a background in textiles emphasising materiality and accumulative gestures, mark-making in ink, pencil and thread. The material residue of the fire, including a salvaged spinning wheel, inform the bodies of work within the exhibition, mapping the experience of the fire.

Event Image: Remaining Performative Wall Drawing 2014. Spinning Wheel and pencil, Dimensions Variable