Mountain Drawing (The First Time I Felt at Home)
Peter Nelson
Opening Night 8 February 2011
8 February- 19 February
"The link between art and architecture, in this case, is the common desire to create alternate realities through spatial invention." - Peter Nelson
Mountain Drawing (the first time I felt at home) comprises a large-scale Perspex sculpture and the series of plein air drawings on which it was based, which Nelson completed during his 2009 study tour of China's Hunan and Guanxi Province. The work was inspired by urban architectural designs as well as organic geological formations (particularly the karst limestone peaks of Southern China).
The work represents an important juncture in Nelson's broader exploration of the traditions of the fabricated landscape, encompassing such reference points as the Chinese literati tradition, European Romanticism and urban utopian architectural designs.

Image credit: Peter Nelson. Perspex Sculpture and Pencil & Ink Drawing on Paper